Redesign Bern Airport Website

Bern Airport

Concept & consulting, web app, interfaces, UX & UI design, Neos


Desktopansicht Bern Airport Website

Bern Airport realized the redesign of their website with us. In agile collaboration, we efficiently and purposefully implemented an appealing design with the appropriate technical solution. For the intuitive usability of the website, a user-friendly CMS (Content Management System) was used: Neos.

Thanks to the integration of an interface with the flight system, departure and arrival information is displayed on the website in real-time. Bonus points are awarded for the clear and aesthetic design, guaranteed to evoke a holiday atmosphere.
Feature 1: Departures & Arrivals interface
The annually changing flight schedule can be dynamically and easily adjusted individually. This serves as the basis for the planned interactive flight map.
Feature 2: Dynamic flight plan
In the future, obtaining exceptional permits will be done easily online and directly on the website. The former cumbersome media break will soon be a thing of the past.
Feature 3: Extension service
Screenshot world map with airlines

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